How does our school support staff receive regular continued professional development to teach online SEL skills?

  • Ongoing professional learning opportunities about social and emotional learning enable staff members to feel prepared and motivated to implement whole-school initiatives for online SEL.
  • The professional learning focusses on specific strategies for cyber safety education It provides support for teachers to develop including opportunities to learn about new technologies and their positive and negative uses. The eSafety Commissioner’s Office has national professional learning webinars for teachers aligned with the Professional Standards and the Australian Curriculum and a pre-service teacher training program for those who are about to commence teaching.
  • Media Smarts’ Digital Literacy 101 is a helpful Canadian resource that can be used to help teachers implement digital literacy in their classrooms. It can also help teachers to develop online literacy lessons and activities tailored to meet students’ needs.
  • The “Classroom Guide: Integrating digital literacy into your classroom practicehelps teachers to build online literacy into their classroom practices.
  • School leaders can facilitate the sharing of knowledge and practices by encouraging and enabling opportunities for staff to network with each other and surrounding schools on a regular basis. Networking opportunities help staff to:
    • exchange of ideas and resources such as how others respond to specific online issues
    • focus on continuous improvement
    • learn about the effectiveness of programs, practices and policies implemented in other settings