How could I incorporate digital social and emotional learning skills in all areas of my classroom practice?

  • AITSL provides a range of resources to help reflect on your teaching and improve your practice, e.g. after completing the SWOT Analysis you can connect two of the categories to determine actions you may wish to take. For example, matching strengths to opportunities shows you where you may wish to take action. Matching weaknesses to threats highlights areas you may wish to work on*.
  • Media Smarts have developed the “Classroom Guide: Integrating digital literacy into your classroom practice” which helps teachers include digital literacy in their classroom practice.
  • The eSafety Commissioner has national professional learning webinars for teachers which are aligned to Professional Standards and the Australian Curriculum and a pre-service teacher training program for those teaching staff who are about to enter the workforce.
  • eSafety’s latest blogposts has up-to-date online safety issues and advice.
  • Media Smarts’ Digital Literacy 101 is a helpful Canadian resource that can be used to help teachers implement digital literacy in their classrooms. It can also help to develop digital literacy lessons and activities tailored to meet students’ needs.
  • ACARA has published an Online Safety Curriculum Connection designed to guide teachers to identify content in the Australian Curriculum that supports the teaching and learning of online safety. The resource also connects a range of interdisciplinary resources that have been developed to support online safety education.

