The Cyber Friendly Primary Schools curriculum has been developed for students in Years 4-6 to help develop the social and emotional learning skills they need to interact positively online. The curriculum has been designed to complement the resources within this website and allows teachers the opportunity to further embed the knowledge and understandings they have gained to successfully develop the online social and emotional learning skills with students in their classroom.
The curriculum has explicit links to the Western Australian Health & Physical Education and Digital Technologies learning outcomes and comprises of
five lessons (Year 4) and four lessons (Year 5 and 6).
An overview of the Year 4-6 curriculum can be downloaded here.
Each Lesson Focus ranges from 35-55 minutes and includes a teacher lesson plan, student activity sheet/s and a connection with home message.
• Extension activities have been included to allow teachers the option to further explore lesson focus areas based on relevance to students’ needs
and interests.
• Connection with home messages allow teachers to inform parents about what their child has learnt in class (this includes a link to the
Cyber Friendly Primary Schools website for parents to further explore). Linking classroom learnings to the home environment helps to promote
consistent messaging around ‘positive digital technology use’ throughout the child’s learning environments.
Click on the lesson plans and activity sheets below to download a pdf copy and begin teaching these in your classroom.

Lesson 1
Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Activity Sheets
Lesson 2
Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Activity Sheets
Lesson 3
Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Activity Sheets

Lesson 1
Teacher Lesson Plan
Lesson 2
Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Activity Sheets
Lesson 3
Teacher Lesson Plan

Lesson 1
Teacher Lesson Plan
Lesson 2
Teacher Lesson Plan
Student Activity Sheets
Lesson 3
Teacher Lesson Plan